Koko Analytics

came across Koko on the website of M4WP, a plugin that links your site with Mailchimp.

Koko advertises itself as a privacy-friendly, simple and lightweight analytics plugin for WordPress. It does not use any external services, so data about your visitors is never shared with any third-party. It says it lets you focus on the important metrics, while respecting the privacy of your visitors.

It also says that no visitor specific data is collected, only aggregated counts.

So some data is collected and if aggregated counts is in reference to your individual site then Koko knows how big your audience is, at the very least. That may not concern you or it may. At least we can say that whichever method you use, someone will be collecting data. For example, it says that using Koko means you can stop sharing visitor data with third-party companies who also happen to sell ads. Fair point, I think, maybe.

And it says that Koko will stop unnecessarily slowing down your website if using other methods. I can’t speak to that because what is the real difference? I guess an A-B test is the only way.

There is a free version in the WP Repository, and a paid version that in addition to the features of the free version – Pageview & visitor counts, Realtime pageviews, and Referrer URL’s – also enables Custom event tracking, Periodic email reports, and Email support rather than via the Support option in the WP Repository

I am going to add it to this site so that I can report on it at some point in the future.

Update 12 February 2024

The stats are very clear. As far as I can see, what is not to like?

Mismatch Between WooCommerce Dashboard and Stripe

The Issue was that a customer bought a product and paid via Stripe. When I log into my Stripe dashboard on the Stripe website I can see it is paid.

On my Woo dashboard it says the order status is ‘Cancelled’ and when I hover over that word I see a message that says “Unpaid order cancelled – time limit reached. Order status changed from Pending payment to Cancelled.”

I don’t have any kind of plugin that would allow a customer to cancel and order, so what my WooCommerce dashboard says may not reflect what the customer expects. In other words the customer placed the order and paid, and expects the goods but the Woo dashboard on the WooCommerce site says the order was cancelled.

What is going on?

Homing In On The Issue

As a first step, are webhooks are configured correctly on the site at WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > All payment methods > Stripe > Manage > Settings?

This is what the page looks like, and all three should be green.

The webhook endpoint needs to be added to your Stripe account.

The signing secret webhook can be found in your Stripe dashboard on the Stripe website.

And then go back to your site and click Stripe account settings (see first screenshot here) and add the key and refresh and they should all show green.

In my case the secret key was not set. I don’t know how that happened because previous orders went through OK.

Debug For Future Issues With Stripe and WooCommerce

Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Stripe > Manage > Settings > Scroll down to the bottom and expand Advanced Settings. There is a setting there to set debug to true. Do that and they you are able to check future logs in WooCommerce > Status > Logs.

Thanks to the Woo Happiness Engineer who talked me through this.

Move Text Below Product Images

For SEO for e-commerce sites, category pages are more important than product pages. One important SEO ranking factor is the amount of relevant text describing the category. The problem is that if you write text it will appear above the product images, and if you write more than a couple of lines of text it will push the product images way down the page.

What you want is to have the text appear below the grid of product images, and this is how to accomplish it.

Mr WordPress has a YouTube video in which he describes adding a line of php to accomplish that.

I am using a child theme on one of my e-commerce sites, and I have a functions.php file within that child theme. So I added the php there. If you are using a parent theme then you can put your code in a snippets plugin.

Here’s the code

remove_action( 'woocommerce_archive_description', 'woocommerce_taxonomy_archive_description', 10 ); 
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_taxonomy_archive_description', 100 );

An Alternative

If you are not comfortable doing this then I found a plugin in the WP repository that may do the job. It’s named Move Category description under products for WooCommerce. You should be able to find it from that description.

The thing I don’t like about it is that the shortcode you add at the beginning and end of the text you want to move, has the word ‘mcdusaltasotto’ baked in.

I just downloaded the plugin and I see that it consists of two files and a readme file. In the file named salta-sotto.php, the word mcdusaltasotto is on line 33 and I assume you can change this to whatever word you like. Most simple text editors will open the file. If you are on a Mac then the free COTEditor Plain-Text Editor for macOS is about as simple as it gets.

That said, I have not used this plugin so I can’t advise beyond this.

Generate Press: Enable navigation search modal

Q: When I activate “Enable navigation search modal” no Search-Button apears in the main navigation. Why?

A: This new feature requires:

1. The use of “flexbox” – you have to switch to “flexbox” from “floats” using the “Structure” option in “Customize > General”. If you don’t see this option it means you’re already using flexbox.
2. The use of svg icons – you have to switch to “svg” from “font” using the “Icons” option in “Customize > General”.

[If you have the current Navigation Search option enabled, you need to disable it first so the new option appears.]

Create A Staging Site With This Plugin

The host we use for our e-commerce site has a built-in method for cloning a site to a sub-domain. So I will start by saying that I have not used this WP-Staging plugin. I came across it in a question and answer on the WooCommerce support site, where Support suggested it.

That said, the plugin has got almost 2,000 five-star reviews, which is a pretty good indicator of its worth.

There’s a pro version for pushing from the staging site to a live site. If someone was in the business of managing other people’s sites, then it would be worth looking at.

.ABR Files

CreativeMarket (affiliate link) sends out free stuff fairly regularly. Sometimes, like today, there was something I wanted – a big set of arrows – bendy, strait, you-name-it.

The bundle arrived as a set of PNGs and an ABR file.

What is a .ABR file, I wondered?

ABR (. abr) file extension is a file format created for Adobe Photoshop. It contains a collection of custom brushes that can be used by the Brush tool in Adobe Photoshop and it includes shape, texture, dynamics, and other data for each brush style.

So now I know.

On a Mac the files are stored in

Applications / Adobe Photoshop / Presets / Brushes